Tegrital 400 Tablet


Brand Tegrital 
Manufacture Novartis India Ltd
Model Name Tegrital 400 Tablet
Treatment Epilepsy
SKU: N/A Category: Tag:


What is Tegrital 400 Tablet ?

Tegrital 400 Tablet is a drug that is mostly administered to treat bipolar disorder and epilepsy. It includes the medication carbamazepine, which is categorized as an anticonvulsant. By lessening aberrant electrical activity in the brain, this medicine helps people with bipolar illness stabilize their mood swings and avoid seizures.

What is epilepsy?

The neurological condition known as epilepsy is characterized by recurring seizures, which are abrupt, uncontrollable electrical disruptions in the brain. Individuals may be affected differently by these seizures, which may vary greatly in their expression and severity. While some people may only have modest symptoms like fleeting periods of staring, others may suffer more severe convulsions.

The Tegrital 400 Tablet’s Work in the Management of Epilepsy

Because Tegrital 400 Tablet works well to reduce seizures, it is often used as a first therapy for epilepsy. By keeping the brain’s electrical activity stable, it helps to avoid both partial and generalized seizures. Tegrital 400 Tablet helps people with epilepsy live better, more fulfilled lives by reducing the frequency and intensity of seizures.

Using Tegrital 400 Tablets to Work with Bipolar Disorder

Manic-depressive disease, another name for bipolar disorder, is a mental illness marked by severe mood fluctuations that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). Tegrital 400 Tablet is often used as a mood stabilizer to assist in controlling these swings and avert manic or depressive periods.

Administration & Dosage

Depending on the patient’s age, weight, health, and reaction to therapy, the Tegrital 400 Tablet dose may change. It is imperative that you carefully follow the prescription doctor’s directions and don’t take more than the suggested amount. Tegrital 400 Tablet should normally be taken orally, twice a day, as prescribed by a healthcare professional, with or without meals.

Possible Negative Effects

Tegrital 400 Tablet may have adverse effects in some people, just like any drug. Dizziness, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and blurred vision are common adverse effects. Although these side effects are generally moderate and temporary, it’s important to notify the healthcare professional right away if they intensify or persist.

Warnings and Precautions

Patients should disclose any allergies, current medicines, and pre-existing medical problems to their healthcare professional before to beginning Tegrital 400 Tablet. Avoiding alcohol while taking Tegrital 400 Tablet is crucial since it raises the possibility of adverse effects including tiredness and dizziness. Until they have a better understanding of how this medicine affects them, patients should use caution while operating equipment or doing other duties that call for attentiveness.

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