Noosanta 100mg


Active Ingredient Tapentadol
Treatment Pain reliever 
Manufacturer Kachhela Medex Pvt Ltd
Packaging 10 tablets in 1 strip
Strength 100mg


Noosanta 100mg Tablet is an adult pain reliever intended to treat moderate to severe acute pain. It is used to cure various ailments, including headaches, fevers, period discomfort, toothaches, and colds. It efficiently relieves pain when other therapies fail to do so.

What is Noosanta 100 mg?

A narcotic analgesic that soothes pain is included in Noosanta 100 mg. Noosanta Tapentadol is used to treat moderate to severe pain. Noosanta 100 mg is a pain reliever of the opioid analgesic drug class that is useful against headaches, muscle pain, and bodily discomfort. It is used in the treatment of chronic pain.

What are the uses of Noosanta 100 mg?

Noosanta 100 mg reduces moderate to severe pain, such as toothache, headache, or problems affecting joints and muscles in situations of moderate to severe discomfort.

It prevents the brain’s chemical messengers from alerting us to pain. It may help with pain reduction in conditions including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Take it exactly as instructed to get the most out of it. It is risky to take more or for a longer period than is necessary.

How should Noosanta 100 mg be taken?

Only on the advice of a certified medical practitioner. Once a day, take one Noosanta 100 mg. Noosanta 100 mg Tapentadol should be taken 30 minutes before or 2 hours after a meal since food might lower the drug’s absorption rate.

Avoid crushing the pill in your mouth. The Noosanta 100 mg pill must be taken whole. Noosanta 100mg should be taken with a full glass of water simultaneously every day, with or without meals.

An extended-release pill should not be crushed, broken, or opened. To prevent being exposed to a potentially lethal dosage, swallow it completely.

Noosanta 100mg has the potential to induce constipation. Before taking a laxative or stool softener to treat or avoid this adverse effect, consult your doctor.

Never smash a pill and inhale or inject the powder into your veins. This might lead to death.

You may have withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking Noosanta 100mg abruptly. Before discontinuing medication, see your doctor.

Do not attempt to take more dosages without a doctor’s prescription. Swallow the whole pill without crushing or breaking it.

The doctor will start the medication with a low dosage of Noosanta and gradually raise it till the pain is under control.

Side effects 

Side effect of Noosanta 100mg

The most common side effects of this medicine are 

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Sleepiness
  • Swelling of lips, throat
  • Drowsiness
  • Confusion 

See your doctor if any of these adverse effects annoy you or do not disappear. Your doctor can assist you in reducing or preventing these effects by providing an alternate medication or modifying the dosage.

Precautions and Risk Fectors

Risk Fectors

Risk Fectors of Noosanta 100mg

If you have severe respiratory issues or a bowel blockage known as paralytic ileus, you should not use this medication.

Noosanta 100mg may cause your breathing to slow or stop, particularly when you first start taking it or when your dosage is adjusted. Never take this medication in more significant amounts or for longer than recommended. An extended-release pill should not be crushed, broken, or opened. To prevent being exposed to a potentially lethal dosage, swallow it completely.

Noosanta 100mg, even at low dosages, has the potential to become addictive. Take this medication exactly as your doctor has instructed. Never give the medicine to anyone else. Addiction, overdose, or death may result from improper use of narcotic pain medicine, especially in a child or other person using the medicine without a prescription. Keep the medicine in a place where others cannot reach it.

If you are pregnant, notify your doctor. Noosanta 100mg may induce life-threatening withdrawal symptoms in a baby if the mother takes it while pregnant.


The medication may not be appropriate for everyone. Inform your doctor about heart, kidney, or liver issues before taking it. It would be best if you avoid drinking alcohol while taking this medicine. Please inform your doctor about any other medications you are taking since this medication may affect them.

Before using this medication

Noosanta 100mg should not be used if you are allergic to it, have severe asthma or respiratory issues, or have a stomach or intestinal blockage (including paralytic ileus).

Tell your doctor if you have ever had any of the following: • breathing problems, sleep apnea (breathing that stops during sleep), a head injury, a brain tumor, or seizures; • alcoholism or drug addiction; • mental illness; • urination problems; • liver or kidney disease; or • problems with your gallbladder, pancreas, thyroid, or adrenal gland.

Doses: Noosanta 100mg

Your medical condition and your reaction to therapy determine the dose. Do not raise your dosage or take this medication more often or for a longer period than suggested. When instructed, discontinue the drug.

Missed Dose: Noosanta 100mg

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. The missed dose may be avoided if the next scheduled dosage is approaching. Try to take all the doses since the quantities and timings are quite specific, and non-adherence may have serious consequences.

Overdose: Noosanta 100

In an overdose, seek immediate medical treatment or call a doctor.

Useful Information

Take this medication exactly as your doctor has instructed. Because your doctor will likely adjust your dosage throughout therapy, any changes must be carefully tracked. Do not use this medicine in greater or lesser quantities than prescribed. When you change the medication amount or timing, you are more likely to have adverse effects. As previously stated, usage should be gradually reduced over time.

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How long does this drug take to work?

The amount of time required for this medicine to take action has yet to be scientifically proven.

How long does the effect of this drug last?

The duration of action of this medication in the body has yet to be scientifically confirmed.

How does Noosanta 100mg work?

Noosanta 100mg blocks pain signals from reaching the brain.

Can I take Noosanta 100mg to relieve acute pain?

In most circumstances, elderly patients do not need any dose adjustments. Noosanta 100mg excretion, on the other hand, may be delayed in certain people in this age group. In this case, your doctor may advise you to try an alternative dose schedule.

Is it possible to develop an addiction to Noosanta 100 mg?

Yes, if taken over a lengthy period, the medicine may become habit-forming or result in an overdose. The drug must be taken exactly as the doctor has suggested.

Is Noosanta 100 mg compatible with any drugs you’re taking?

Drug interactions may drastically affect how a drug works and increase the chance of side effects. Some medicines that interact with Noosanta include nalbuphine, naltrexone, said orphan, and pentazocine. Discuss any additional drugs you are taking with your doctor.

What should you avoid if you’re using Noosanta 100mg tablets?

It is advised to avoid driving, consuming alcoholic beverages, and participating in dangerous activities while on Noosanta 100mg (Tapentadol) treatment.

Is it okay to take Noosanta 100mg?

Yes, using the drug under the supervision of a doctor is safe.

Is it okay to use Noosanta 100 mg if you have liver disease?

Patients with severe liver disease should exercise caution while using this drug. Depending on the condition, the doctor may change the dosage. 

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