Hepcdac 60 Mg Tablet


Brand Hepcdac
Manufacture Cipla Ltd
Model Name Hepcdac 60 Mg Tablet
Treatment chronic hepatitis C virus 
SKU: N/A Category: Tag:


What is Hepcdac 60 mg Tablet?

Hepcdac 60 Mg Tablet is a game-changing drug for treating hepatitis C. This drug, which contains the active substance Daclatasvir, has been shown to be particularly efficient against the hepatitis C virus (HCV). It is a direct-acting antiviral (DAA) medicine that targets particular phases in the HCV replication process, preventing the virus from multiplying and spreading in the body.

Understanding hepatitis C

Before getting into the intricacies of Hepcdac 60 Mg Tablet, it’s important to understand the nature of hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is a viral illness that predominantly affects the liver, causing inflammation and possible long-term liver damage. The virus is primarily spread by contact with contaminated blood, such as when sharing needles or having a blood transfusion from an infected person.

How does hepcdac 60 mg Work?

Hepcdac 60 Mg Tablet works by targeting the NS5A protein, which is involved in the reproduction of the hepatitis C virus. By decreasing NS5A activity, this medicine efficiently inhibits the replication process, lowering viral load in the body and eventually leading to viral clearance.

Clinical effectiveness

Numerous clinical trials have shown that Hepcdac 60 Mg Tablet is very effective in treating hepatitis C. In clinical studies, individuals treated with Daclatasvir-based regimens had high rates of sustained virologic response (SVR), suggesting that the virus had been successfully eradicated from their systems. This medication’s favourable safety profile confirms its place as a first-line therapy for hepatitis C.

Dosages and Administration

Hepcdac 60 Mg Tablet is normally administered orally once day, with or without meals. To maximise the medication’s effectiveness and reduce the risk of side effects, adhere to the recommended regimen as instructed by a healthcare practitioner. In rare circumstances, Hepcdac 60 Mg Tablet may be used with other antiviral drugs, such as Sofosbuvir, to improve treatment results.

Health and safety Profile

Hepcdac 60 Mg Tablet is typically well tolerated, with the most frequent side effects being minor and temporary. These may include headaches, tiredness, nausea, and diarrhoea. Serious adverse effects are uncommon, but might include allergic reactions or serious liver issues. Patients should seek medical treatment right away if they notice any unexpected symptoms while using this drug.

Precautions & Considerations

Before beginning therapy with Hepcdac 60 Mg Tablet, healthcare practitioners should screen patients for any underlying medical issues or possible medication interactions. This drug may not be appropriate for those who have pre-existing liver or renal issues, and dosage changes may be required in such circumstances. Furthermore, patients should be encouraged to minimise alcohol intake and to use adequate contraception throughout therapy, since Hepcdac 60 Mg Tablet may damage unborn children.

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