Entehep 0.5 Mg Tablet


Brand Entehep 
Manufacture Zydus Cadila
Model Name Entehep 0.5 Mg Tablet
Treatment Hepatitis B virus
SKU: N/A Category: Tag:


What is Entehep 0.5mg Tablet?

Entehep 0.5 Mg Tablet is a novel drug used to treat hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. It belongs to a family of medications known as nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), which act by inhibiting the virus’s development, allowing the immune system to combat the infection more effectively. Entecavir, the active component in this pill, is very effective in suppressing HBV replication.

What is Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a viral illness that affects the liver, producing inflammation and, if not treated, may lead to serious liver damage, cirrhosis, or even liver cancer. It spreads by contact with contaminated blood, sperm, or other body fluids. Chronic hepatitis B infection is potentially fatal and requires long-term treatment to avoid complications.

How does Entehep 0.5mg Tablet work

Entehep 0.5 Mg Tablet works by suppressing the action of a particular enzyme essential for the hepatitis B virus to copy its genetic material. This decreases the viral load in the body, reducing the disease’s course and decreasing liver damage. This method of action makes it an essential tool for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.

Dosages and Medication

Recommended Dosage:
The normal dose of Entehep 0.5 Mg Tablet for people with chronic hepatitis B is 0.5 mg once day, administered orally on an empty stomach or at least two hours after eating. To get the best therapeutic results, you must strictly follow the dose regimen advised by your healthcare professional.

Medication Guidelines
The pill should be eaten whole with a glass of water, without chewing, crushing, or breaking. It is best to take Entehep 0.5 Mg Tablet at the same time every day to ensure constant medication levels in your body. Missing a dosage might impair the medication’s efficacy, so be sure to create reminders or include it into your regular routine.

Safety Concerns and Side Effects

Safety precautions
Before beginning therapy with Entehep 0.5 Mg Tablet, consult your doctor about any pre-existing medical issues, allergies, or drugs you are presently taking. It is critical to monitor liver function tests and HBV viral load on a frequent basis in order to evaluate treatment response and discover possible side effects early on.

Common Side Effects
Common adverse effects of Entehep 0.5 Mg Tablet include headaches, tiredness, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, and stomach discomfort.

These adverse effects are generally mild to moderate in intensity and diminish themselves as your body responds to the medicine. However, if you encounter persistent or severe side effects, get medical treatment right once.

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