Cabergoline 0.5 mg | Treat Hyperprolactinemia


Active Ingredient Cabergoline
Treatment High levels of prolactin
Manufacturer Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
Packaging 4 Tablets in Strip
Strength 0.25mg


Cabergoline 0.5 Tablet is used to treat hyperprolactinemia, which means simply having too much prolactin, a natural hormone that helps women grow breasts & make milk. 0.5mg tablet helps stop the production of breast milk right after a loss, abortion, miscarriage, or even after giving birth. Besides this, Cabergoline 5 mg can also be used to treat other conditions that are brought on by biological problems that cause the body to make too much prolactin.

This includes not posses periods, having very light periods very rarely, periods when there is no ovulation, and leaking milk from your breasts when you are not breastfeeding. This can happen even if you have high prolactin levels for unknown reasons (idiopathic hyperprolactinemia) or a tumor in your pituitary gland in both men & women.

This Tablet has tab cabergoline in it, which acts by acting like dopamine. By doing this, the body makes less prolactin. Cabergoline Brand Name is Dostinex.

Cabergoline 0.5 mg tablet uses


Abnormally high blood levels of prolactin are the hallmark of hyperprolactinaemia, also referred to as hyperprolactinemia. Normal prolactin levels in men are typically 5 ng/mL, while they average roughly 13 ng/mL in women. For both genders, the upper normal range of serum prolactin is normally 15 to 25 ng/mL. Hyperprolactinemia is indicated by levels above this range.

The anterior pituitary gland’s lactotroph cells generate the peptide hormone known as prolactin (PRL). It is essential to breast development and lactation. Hyperprolactinemia, which is defined as abnormally high prolactin levels, can lead to infertility, irregular menstruation cycles, and galactorrhea, or the production and spontaneous flow of breast milk in women. It can cause erectile dysfunction, infertility, and hypogonadism in men.

The most well-known function of the protein prolactin (PRL), also referred to as lactotropin and mammotropin, is in the production of milk. It affects more than 300 different processes in different organisms, including people. The pituitary gland secretes prolactin in response to ovulation, eating, mating, estrogen therapy, and nursing. In between these occurrences, it is heavily secreted in pulses. Prolactin is crucial for immune system regulation, metabolism, and pancreatic development.

Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD), sometimes known as just Parkinson’s, is a chronic neurodegenerative illness that primarily affects the central nervous system and has an impact on the body’s  motor systems. Non-motor symptoms increase in frequency as the disease worsens and typically appear gradually. Parkinson’s disease is characterized by tremors, rigidity, slowness of movement, and trouble balancing. In more advanced stages, neuropsychiatric issues like psychosis, mood swings, abnormal sleep patterns, or behavioral changes may also emerge, along with Parkinson’s disease and falls.

Prolactin plays a vital role in the immune system, acting much like a cytokine. It serves as a critical regulator in various cellular processes, promoting growth, differentiation, and protecting cells from apoptosis. By binding to cytokine-like receptors, prolactin influences essential functions such as blood formation, new blood vessel growth, and blood clotting regulation through multiple pathways. Its actions are versatile, operating in endocrine, autocrine, and paracrine ways through both the prolactin receptor and several cytokine receptors.

Cabergoline has been demonstrat to have beneficial effects on various aspects of health in addition to prolactin. For example, by increasing dopamine activity in the brain, Cabergoline 0.5mg tablet can help patients with Parkinson’s disease improve their motor function. It is crucial to remember that higher dosages of cabergoline online are frequently needed for Parkinson’s disease treatment than for hyperprolactinemia.

Potential Cabergoline side effects 

Common side effects

  • nausea
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • fatigue

Rare but serious side effects

  • heart valve issues
  • psychiatric effects

Cabergoline Tablets Dosage


Usually, Cabergoline tablet 0.5 mg taken twice a week is the first amount that is suggest for treat hyperprolactinemia. The amount may be slowly raised based on how the patient responds how well they can handle it. Most people take between 1 and 2 mg per week, spread out over course of the week. Depend on the amount of prolactin and the patient’s response, the dose should be changed. Regular tracking is needed to make sure it works and keep side effects to a minimum.

Parkinson’s Disease

Cabergoline tablet is not the first choice for treating Parkinson’s disease, but it can be used along with other medicines. Most people start with 0.5 mg to 1 mg per week.cabergoline dose can be slowly raised, and the normal maintenance level is between 1 & 3 mg per week, but this depends on patient’s symptoms and reaction.Carefully changing doses should be done based on how well symptoms are controlled and the list of side effects.

Quinagolide is a non-ergot dopamine D2 receptor agonist used to treat hyperprolactinemia, a condition in which there is an excess of prolactin in the blood. In addition, it is use to suppress lactation, treat ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, and breast pain. In the UK, quinagolide is accessible. It is offered for sale under the Norprolac brand.

Cabergoline Benefits

Prolactin Levels

This medicine works on the cause of conditions like prolactinomas and unexplain hyperprolactinemia.Getting rid of extra prolactinoma can help with issues like having periods that come and go or not being able to have children.If you take cabergoline effects along with the, the amount of this drug and other Parkinson’s medicines you need may be lowered.If you take less of this medicine over time, it may help lessen the dyskinesias and other side effects that come with it.

Cabergoline Tablet Precautions

Before taking cabergoline 0.5 , you should let your doctor or pharmacist know if you are allergic to it or to other ergot medicines, like ergotamine, or if you are allergic to anything else. There may be inactive ingredients in this product that can cause allergic responses or other issues. To find out more, talk to your doctor.

These pills might make you feel dizzy. You can feel more dizzy if you drink or smoke weed. Wait until you are sure you are safe to drive, use tools, or do anything else that needs you to be alert. Limit your drink intake. If you use marijuana, you should talk to your doctor.


Cabergoline interactions

🍷 Alcohol

It is known that This Tablet 0.5mg can make you feel dizzy. Taking booze along with Cabgolin 0.5 Tablet is not a good idea.

🤰 Pregnancy

Before taking Cabergoline dostinex 0.5mg, talk to your doctor if you are pregnant, think you might be pregnant, or want to have a child. Also, make sure you don’t get pregnant for at least one month after you stop taking this medicine. Your doctor will then keep an eye on your pregnancy because taking Cabergoline 0.5mg during pregnancy can cause birth defects.

🤱 Breast Feeding

If you want to breastfeed, you shouldn’t take Cabergoline pills 0.5 mg because it will stop your body from making milk.

🚗 Driving

It is known that Cabergoline 0.5 mg tablet  can make you feel dizzy. So, you shouldn’t drive or use any gear that needs your full attention.

🫁 Liver

Cabergoline 0.5 mg  Tablet should be taken with care, especially if you have had lungus problems in the past. Your doctor might need to change the dose.


Q:What other drugs will affect cabergoline 0.5 mg?

This affect can get worse if you take cabergoline 0.5mg with other drugs that make you sleepy. Before taking an opioid, a sleeping pill, a muscle relaxer, or a drug for nervousness or seizures, talk to your doctor.

Q:How quickly does cabergoline Tablets work?

How long does Cabergoline last? The effect is immediate (within 3 hours after ingestion) and lasts for a long time. Cabergoline 0.5 mg stops the pituitary gland from making and releasing the hormone prolactin. The amount of prolactin that is lowered affects how strong the effect is and how long it lasts.

Q:What foods lower your level of prolactin?

Foods that lower prolactin levels are generally high in zinc; think shellfish, beef, turkey and beans. Getting enough B6 is also important. Foods like bananas, potatoes, chicken, wild salmon, and spinach can help you get more of this vitamin.

Q:Does prolactin cause gestational diabetes?

Higher levels of prolactin are linked to lower glucose tolerance in the third trimester of pregnancy. This shows that prolactin may play a separate role in the development of gestational diabetes.

Q:Affects diabetes does prolactin?

High amounts of PRL in the blood are linked to a lower risk of diabetes and problems controlling blood sugar in middle-aged and older people. But having too much prolactin can make insulin less effective and hurt the function of islet cells.

Q:What vitamin stops prolactin?

These results show that giving uremic hemodialysis patients vitamin E lowers their prolactin levels. This could be because central prolactin secretion is being stopped.

Q:Cabergoline can help you lose weight?

Bromocriptine doesn’t work as quickly or as well as cabergoline, but it’s easier to handle. However, the results of this study show that cabergoline may be an effective way to lose weight.

Q:Does cabergoline affect your periods?

When used for a long time, cabergoline is good for your sexual health. Studies have shown that after long-term cabergoline Tablet therapy, women go back to having normal periods.

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